We have accumulated 300 years of history
Manufacturing of "industry x crafts" that will be connected to the next 300 years
In 1611 (Keicho 16), the first Yaemon Kanamori, who laid the foundation for Takaoka casting, was one of the seven founders who served Toshinaga Maeda, the lord of the Kaga domain.
From the Maeda family's armor and furnishings, Bonsho, and rice-cooking pots to industrial machine parts, gradually changing and evolving according to the times.
It has inherited the traditional sand casting technique for 300 years.
Casting technology, which began in ancient times with decorations and rituals, has made great strides today and requires high-precision technology.
Kanamori Alloy has the technical ability to provide parts and materials for the "H-IIA rocket" that Japan is proud of, and as a founder whose technology has been recognized by the Kaga Maeda family.
We value tradition and flexibly manufacture products that meet the needs of our customers from one piece.
In 2018, we received the "Kanazawa Long-established Store Award" from the Kanazawa Chamber of Commerce and Industry to honor companies that have been in business for over 100 years.
Please feel free to contact us for prototypes and requests for quotations.


Supply rocket parts material
High precision casting technology
Our High Precision Technology
ハイアット セントリック 金沢で宿泊客に提供している、使い終われば廃棄されてしまうミネラルウォーターのアルミ缶。これを金森合金で回収、リサイクルし、ホテルの食器として使えるアルミの箸置きやお皿などのテーブルウエアへと変化させました。


Supply rocket parts material
High precision casting technology
Our High Precision Technology

たとえば、不要になったフライパン を段ボールに詰め、金森合金に送ります。この大切な資源は金森合金の技術によって、銅製品は「針のない剣山」/アルミ製品は「テーブルウエア」などに生まれ変わります。

Supply rocket parts material
High precision casting technology
Our High Precision Technology